My first blog post
Posted on 23 August 2019
Our Chinese Export Silver collection will slowly be uploaded and I hope to have most of it on the site by the time that Asian Art in London starts. I will discuss Chinese Export Silver in more depth in this blog so please watch this space. Chinese Export Silver has, like much Chinese and Asian Art, been spoken about at length in the press lately. With good reason of course, as the better pieces seem to be making ever higher prices. One can never tell, however, whether today’s prices might not seem cheap next year. Like everything that is traded the laws of supply and demand dictate the level at which artwork is traded. The demand has been growing and the supply is obviously finite but as we all know when it comes to China the potential demand could quickly outstrip the supply. The craftsmanship of the Chinese silversmiths was outstanding and the detailed castings, chasing and engraving is at least as good as most of the what we see in the West; so it is unsurprising that the demand does not only come from China. Asian Art is now highly prised in all corners of the world and I…
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